Colombia is a country with a unique richness, because not only its people are friendly and cheerful, but its culture, customs, ways of life and biodiversity make this country something extraordinary.
We want to tell you a little bit about what it means to be Colombian and what Colombia is known for, so don’t miss it.
Before we begin, let’s clear up a doubt that some people around the world may have and it is the following: Is it Columbia or Colombia?
The Latin American country name in Spanish is Colombia. Columbia is a word that refers to a common surname and to many places in the United States, such as the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.), Columbia University in New York, etc. Therefore, it is important not to confuse the two terms and to remember that the correct name of the country is Colombia.
1. the hospitality of colombians
Colombia is a country known for its hospitality, friendliness, joy and willingness to “echar pa’ lante”. It is clear that all this is part of the personality of Colombians, regardless of the city or department. For us it is also a luxury that we have as a country and that has become an important tourist attraction for foreigners, because we call acquaintances and strangers in a short time “parceros”, we give smiles and hugs, and we celebrate in any corner of the neighborhood.

2. colombian coffee
Colombian coffee is recognized worldwide for its quality and freshness throughout the year, the variety of coffee flavors that exist thanks to the diversity of soils and the more than 500,000 coffee growing families that put love into their work. Coffee is the source of inspiration for countless artists, as well as companies responsible for sustainability and good production practices. All of this makes Colombian coffee have that distinctive seal in the entire world.
Although it is a product typical of the tropical zone, its cultivation also requires special conditions of soil, temperature, atmospheric precipitation and a certain altitude above sea level.
Depending on the region where the coffee is grown, it will have flavor notes and an aroma that differentiates it. For example, in Antioquia coffee has notes of citric flavor, sweetness and a fruity aroma.

Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. It occupies the first place in bird and orchid species. It is the second richest country in terms of plants, amphibians, butterflies and freshwater fish. It also holds the third position in number of species of palms and reptiles, as well as fourth place in mammals.
The official number of birds recorded in the country is 1,954 species (20% of the global total). This is due to the fact that our territory is home to an enormous variety of different ecosystems and life forms, ranging from the coldest to the warmest climates. The Illustrated Guide to the Birds of Colombia details that the five departments with the greatest presence of bird species are: Cauca, Nariño, Antioquia, Boyacá and Meta.
It is estimated that there are more than 4,250 species of orchids in Colombia, and new ones continue to be discovered in regions little visited by collectors and botanists. More than 30% of these species are endemic to the country, which means that they are only found in Colombia.

Colombia is one of the countries with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, as it has coasts on both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Among the best beaches, we can find:
San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago
It is one of the most chosen and popular destinations in Colombia, as this archipelago is home to 91% of the country’s coral reefs and its waters are nicknamed “the sea of seven colors”.
Tayrona National Park
The Tayrona National Park is located 34 km from Santa Marta in the department of Magdalena and is one of the most important natural parks in Colombia.
Tayrona Park has 14 beaches among which we can find: Nudist Beach, Arrecifes Beach and Cabo de San Juan Beach. The latter is characterized for being surrounded by vegetation and its crystalline waters.
Rosario Islands
The Rosario Islands are located in Cartagena de Indias and there you will find many white sand beaches and warm waters. This enchanting archipelago has 27 islands and among the most recognized are: Isla Grande, Isla Pelícano and Isla del Pirata.

Colombia is a multicultural country as it is a mixture of indigenous people, Spanish and Africans. For that reason, all its dishes have a variety of flavors, colors and aromas that make you fall in love from the first moment (all this is due to our roots). So get ready to take a gastronomic tour of the best Colombian dishes.
Paisa tray
It is a typical dish of the Andean region and is composed of beef, chicharrón, chorizo, beans, rice, fried egg, ripe plantain, arepa, hogao and avocado. It is a delicacy.
Santa Fe ajiaco
It is a soup made with pieces of chicken, potatoes and an herb called guasca, which gives it its particular flavor. It is usually served with corn on the cob, rice, capers, half an avocado and a white cream (crema de leche).
It is a typical dish of the Pacific region. This soup can be made with fish, chicken, beef or pork. In the soup you will also find: potatoes, corn, yucca, plantain, cilantro. As a complement, you can add rice, avocado and pico de gallo.
The suckling pig
It is a typical dish of Tolima, and is a small pork stuffed with rice, vegetables and spices. It is roasted in the oven for more than 10 hours. The surrounding skin should be crispy, while the inside should be finely cut and tasty. It is served with baked potatoes and a small arepa.
El Tamal
It is a typical dish based on pork or chicken meat, which is mixed with corn flour, rice and vegetables. Everything is wrapped in banana leaves.

5. the variety of COLOMBIAN FRUITS
Colombia has 433 identified native fruit species, making it the first country in the world in terms of fruit biodiversity per square kilometer. This variety of fruit is made possible by the diversity of climates (from tropical to cold climates).
Characteristic fruits by region:
Andean Region: Curuba, soursop, blackberry, pineapple, strawberry, avocado, uchuva, papayuela, cherimoya, guava, passion fruit, feijoa, lulo, orange, tangerine, tree tomato, apple, banana, pear, passion fruit, melon, watermelon, pitaya, among others.
Caribbean region: coastal sapote, loquat, tamarind, cashew, carambola, banana and corozo.
Orinoco region: due to its location, it is famous for citrus fruits such as lemons, tangerines, pineapples, oranges and soursop.
Pacific region: borojó, almirajó, chontaduro and medlar.
Amazon region: arazá, carambolo, copoazú, Amazonian anon, cocona, Camu Camu, maraco, Amazonian pineapple, canangucha and Amazonian lulo.

6. climate of colombia
Colombia has a great diversity of thermal floors, as it has tropical, temperate and cold climates (this varies according to each region).
Andean Region: The climate of this region is temperate and mountainous. It is characterized by low temperatures, especially in the high mountains and in areas close to them.
Caribbean region: almost 70% of the climate is tropical, due to its location. It is the hottest region of the country, which can reach temperatures of up to 30ºC throughout the year. However, these characteristics vary depending on the area, as there are drier areas and others that reach 0ºC.
Orinoco region: characterized by a medium climate. Its temperature oscillates between 18°C and 36°C, it can vary depending on the rainy seasons or the elevations in the terrains.
Pacific Region: The tropical humid rainforest climate prevails, with temperatures above 24 degrees Celsius all year round. Rainfall is constant, with no dry season.
Amazon region: The climate is very warm, with an annual average of 31 degrees Celsius, but has few truly tropical and sultry months.

7. the music of colombia
Colombia’s musical genres blend elements from three main origins: Spain, indigenous peoples, and African rhythms and sounds. This mixture has resulted in a musical diversity, to the extent that Colombia is also called “the land of a thousand rhythms”.
Vallenato: is a musical genre that was born in the city of Valledupar, located in northeastern Colombia, near the Caribbean coast. Vallenato fuses Son and Puya, two regional genres, and is considered part of Colombia’s national identity.
Popular: born in the Colombian region of Antioquia. This musical genre has deep roots in the regional Mexican genres of Mariachi/Ranchero, and also includes elements of Corrido and Huapango.
Cumbia: the origins of this regional musical genre go back a long way, as it emerged on the Colombian Caribbean coast during the 17th century. Original cumbia instruments include the tambora, tambor alegre, llamador, maracas, milo flute, and two different types of bagpipes. Later iterations of the genre have incorporated instruments such as electric bass, accordion, trumpets and congas.
Champeta: is a musical and dance genre that originated in the Caribbean coast of Colombia in the early 1980s. Among the instruments used in this regional Colombian genre are percussion (which predominates in its sound), electric guitar, bass, and synthesizers (which help define the melodic lines followed by the genre).

natural resources of colombia
Colombia is recognized worldwide for the richness of its water resources, fauna and flora. Also to a lesser extent for its gold, emeralds and coal. Other resources include oil, copper, iron and natural gas.
Colombia is the leading producer and exporter of high quality emeralds in Latin America and the world. The main areas of exploitation of this precious stone are located in the departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca.

What else is Colombia biodiverse in?
Our country is the country with the most butterflies in the world. With a total of 3,642 species inhabiting the national territory, it has 20% of the species existing on the planet.
What other beaches can you visit in Colombia?
Colombia has a great number of paradisiacal beaches, among them:
– Cabo de la Vela and Punta Gallina.
– Nuquí and Bahía Solano.
– Palomino (La Guajira).
– Baru Island (Bolivar).
If you are planning a visit to Baru, we invite you to read our blog
Baru Island Colombia Hotels.
What other foods are representative of Colombia?
Arepas: are white or yellow corn cakes that can be served with butter and cheese.
Empanadas: are small pies stuffed with meat, usually accompanied by potatoes. They can also be stuffed with cheese, chicken and egg.
The buñuelo: it is a cheese ball and has a round shape.
Pandebono: made with corn flour and Colombian cheese.
What is the best time to travel to Colombia?
The best time to travel to Colombia is from December to March and from July to August. There are only two seasons in Colombia: summer and winter.
What else is Colombia known for?
Colombia is also known for its sayings, and among them are:
– “Did he sleep with me last night or what, he doesn’t say hello anymore.”
– “Don’t open my eyes, I’m not going to put drops in them.”
– “I tell him the miracle but not the saint.”
– “He talks up a storm.”
– “God gives bread to him who has no teeth.”
Why is Colombia’s emerald the most desired in the world?
This is thanks to its quality and characteristics, such as: brightness, transparency, color, play of light and optimum hardness. These features have allowed Colombian emeralds to be recognized and desired by buyers around the world.